Want to see Klyck in action?

Request a demo and learn how our customizable pages, powerful content library, and live analytics can help you get the most out of your content.

Get a tailored demo of Klyck 

Your go-to content solution for organizing, finding, and sharing information



Use pre-existing templates from top performing teams or create and share your own templates with your team

Customized Pages

Easily organize all of your content and information into pages by simply dragging and dropping

Content Library

Embed files directly into pages or use our content library to organize them for your team with filters, tags and categories

For teams of any size

Find content in seconds for every situation

Easily find information on a page or use Klyck’s content library to pinpoint exactly what you need

Invite and collaborate with your team

Align your teams by centralizing company documents, guides, playbooks and more

Track content usage and performance

Analyze your content utilization and performance to optimize your strategy and resources

3.6 Hours

Wasted Everyday

According to a recent study by Coveo, employees spend an average of 3.6 hours each day searching for information. That’s valuable time that could be used to drive revenue and achieve business objectives. Our solution streamlines information access and empowers your team to focus on what really matters, delivering results and growing your business.

Request a Demo

Organize and centralize knowledge

With Klyck, you can easily organize and centralize all your team’s knowledge, information, and content into one place, making it easy to find what you need when you need it.

Increase efficiency and productivity

Klyck’s customizable pages allow you to streamline your work and create efficient workflows. This helps you save time and increase productivity, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Transform Your Sales Presentations with Klyck

Create immersive, interactive sales presentations that captivate prospects and drive conversions. Request a demo of Klyck’s digital selling rooms for a game-changing sales experience.