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How to Overcome Content Overload with Sales Playbooks

April 11th, 2022

Do you ever dread opening your email inbox on Monday morning? You’re not the only one.

On average, a person receives around 100 work related emails per day. This does not include any of the dozens of messages that can be generated through subscriptions or content marketing efforts. All this goes to show how overloaded we can be by digital content at any given time.

Sales playbooks are valuable engagement tools that can help you make sure you are getting a valuable return on investment for all of your marketing activities. By relying on consumer behavior and deal attributes, sales playbooks can maximize the reach of your marketing content and eliminate risks posed by content overload.

What is Content Overload, and How Can Sales Playbooks Help?

Content overload happens when people attempt to process more items than what is possible given the constraints of our short-term and working memories. On average, the human memory can hold around seven unique items at a time. This is a phenomenon known as Miller’s law.

Between emails, instant messages, app notifications, social media, and the other functional distractions of daily life, there are dozens of things competing for our attention any given time. Engaging with all of them is simply beyond our psychological limits. So, we compartmentalize, prioritize, and ignore what we can.

Although many of us live in what seems to be a constant state of content overload, content marketing and outreach remains a critical best practice in B2B sales. KlyckBooks helps eliminate content overload by serving up content automatically based on customer and deal attributes. This improves the quality of the content delivered to customers via email and frees up valuable time among your sales force for follow up engagement.

Converting Content into Conversations

Sales playbooks can help your outreach teams optimize email outreach using customer insights and analytics. However, B2B sales typically require far more engagement then just a few emails. Setting up your salespeople for success means providing them with the tools they need to keep customer conversations going.

The sales playbooks on Klyck’s platform aggregate large libraries of sales content into a simple conversation format. This eliminates the overwhelming task of sorting through thousands of documents just to find exactly the right piece of content for conversion. In fact, thanks to the data insights and searchability of this platform, KlyckBooks sales playbooks can reduce content search time by up to 70%. This gives your team a massive amount of time back in their day to focus on selling and ensuring that relevant content is delivered with a personal touch.

Reach Your Customers Where They Are

Overcoming content overload requires several strategies. Content must be relevant, timely, and delivered in a way that is most likely to reach the intended audience. KlyckBooks sales enablement tools can operate on any device, anywhere, ensuring that sales users always have access to the information they need. This mobile friendly configuration also helps maintain better connectivity between not only your sales people and your customers, but also your marketing and sales departments.

Digital sales playbooks are enablement tools designed to improve the alignment of marketing content to sales needs, and ultimately customer desires. KlyckBooks automatically aligns content to individual buyer personas and ensures that users can easily access content that is tailored to the type of buyer they are interacting with.

How to Make Sure Your Content Works for You

Content marketing can be very expensive. creating, maintaining, and distributing relevant content to your B2B sales audience is a substantial investment, but do you have any idea what the return each piece of content might be generating?

Stop wondering about your content ROI and make sure the content you have invested in goes towards a valuable use. Sales playbooks help eliminate wasted content and ensure you get full visibility with respect to how your customers are engaging. With a clear picture of the flow of content from your marketing team, engagement from your customers, and your sales team, KlyckBooks sales playbooks help you understand every step of your sales strategy.

Overcoming content overload is not just about making sure your sales and marketing efforts are communicated effectively. It’s about getting more ROI from your marketing and sales content by delivering it when and where your teams need it most. KlyckBooks’s simple and user-friendly content management platform allows users the insight and flexibility they need to foster meaningful relationships with customers.

If you’re looking for a way to help your B2B sales representative close more deals and build better customer relationships, sales playbooks may be the way to go. At KlyckBooks, we combine content intelligence, training integration, and customer segmentation to turn any sales rep, either a seasoned veteran or a new hire, into a qualified sales expert. At the same time, KlyckBooks also ensures that sales teams always have the right sales and marketing content at the right time, enabling better customer conversations and overcoming common barriers to engagement like content overload. Thanks to improved insights from data analytics, marketing teams can generate more relevant content sales teams can build stronger engagement.

Overcome Content Overload and Reach New Prospects With KlyckBooks

As helpful as digital outreach and engagement has been in educating all of us about the products and services that can enrich our working lives, digital content overload is very real. Valuable messages can be missed due to poor timing or execution missteps in the distribution of content. When this happens, valuable sales and marketing materials can end up in the junk folder.

Sending the right content to the right people at the right time is a great strategy for breaking the ice with a new lead. Sales playbooks help improve engagement with digital content by providing a method and strategy for building relationships with customers around cornerstone pieces of content. This type of digital engagement tool makes your sales process more fluid and increases the opportunities your sales people have to build the type of personalized relationships enterprise and small business customers are looking for.


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