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A Simplified Guide to Sales Enablement

Wondering what sales enablement is? Consider this article the Cliff’s Notes version. Together, we’ll go through the details of what makes it work, how develop a strategy, and how it can help your business win more deals.

The Basics: What is Sales Enablement?

At its most basic level, sales enablement is a tool to help salespeople sell more confidently and effectively. The function primarily includes, content management, training, and data analytics.

Not having access to the most up-to-date content and not knowing what assets are most effective in sales conversations can hinder the success of the sales team. But having a sales enablement strategy in place can alleviate these issues by ensuring that the sales team has the necessary resources, data, coaching, and content to have the best possible sales interactions.

The idea behind sales enablement is to meet the resource needs of the sales reps even before they realize what they require. Without playing big brother, sales enablement can help you identify deficiencies in the sales process and/or performance of individual sales reps. Using your sales enablement platform, you can identify process holes and under-performing reps and address it.

The Benefits of Sales Enablement

Sales enablement isn’t only about selling, though. It’s multi-faceted and can deliver results to users across the sales cycle.

When used consistently over an extended period of time, sales enablement reaps enormous benefits for both the sales team and the company as a whole, including:

  • Helping to build lasting customer relationships
  • Providing relevant, up-to-date, and personalized content in one central place
  • Delivering coaching and training materials
  • Providing sales with invaluable data: buyer insights, interests, personas, and pain points
  • Facilitating a more effective way to stay in touch with buyers
  • Aligning sales and marketing
  • Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of new hire on-boarding

Considering all the ways that sales enablement can improve your sales process, it’s easy to see why

Successful Sales Enablement Solutions

We’ve discussed what sales enablement is and how it can be beneficial, but we haven’t looked at its practical and real-life application. There are several cornerstones that make a sales enablement solution successful.

1. Content management – Perhaps the most important function of sales enablement is digital content management. It is the organization of digital content throughout its lifecycle, from creation to storage or deletion. Digital content management empowers sales professionals with the right content, at the right time, and in the right place.

2. Closed-loop analytics – Closed-loop analytics is a system in which all content usage and engagement is tracked and monitored to provide a complete picture of the customer journey throughout the sales process.

3. Training and coaching – Learning and development can be integrated directly into sales enablement platforms and can accelerate new rep onboarding and eliminate the need to access multiple systems for training and education.

    Technology and Sales Enablement

    Many of the sales tasks that used to be completed manually can now be automated allowing sales reps to sell faster and with higher close rates. When integrated with CRM, sales enablement can help increase your collective ROI and empower better customer interactions.

    In the modern world, sales reps move at a lightening pace and aren’t willing to flip between different systems for logging information and finding resources.

    With this in mind, one of the most important things you can do when selecting a sales enablement platform is evaluate the integrations to systems that you already have.

    For example, sales reps tend to spend a large amount of their day answering and composing emails. That means choosing a sales enablement system with a Microsoft Outlook integration could provide a significant improvement in utilization and data collection.

    The best sales enablement platforms are integrated into the tools the seller already uses, whether that’s in their CRM, Microsoft Outlook, or Microsoft Teams. This allows sales reps to reap the benefits of the tool without having to bounce between different systems and screens.

    How to Get Started

    There are a few things to keep in mind before deploying a sales enablement solution.

    1. Understand the fundamentals of sales enablement structure – Sales enablement isn’t just one thing. It’s many things wrapped up in one tidy package. It’s important to understand the fundamentals and create a plan that outlines your objectives.

    2. Clarify your objectives and identify your current challenges – Taking time to analyze your company’s challenges will go a long way to helping you build a sales enablement strategy that’s specifically tailored to your pain points.

    3. Get the support of the end-users – Encouraging your sales and marketing teams to come to the decision-making table and to bring their thoughts and ideas with them will help them embrace the idea of the changing sales process because they helped develop it.

    4. Outline your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) – You want to think about what qualities make up your ideal customer. If done properly, and ICP can align your product, solution, or service with the needs of your customers and prospects.

    Sales Enablement Built for B2B

    Klyck.io is a purpose built sales enablement system designed exclusively for B2B sales reps. It provides solution sellers with a comprehensive solution for content management, training and coaching, and data analytics. It also integrates seamlessly with

    (fix link to sales force)

    Salesforce, Outlook, and Microsoft Teams.

    Klyck turns content into conversations by arming your sales and marketing teams with the right content at the right time. It turns data into direction by providing actionable insights that help your teams understand customer engagement and personalize their message at every touchpoint. Finally, it turns your sales reps into sales experts using content intelligence and on-board training and coaching.

    If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits and features of sales enablement, click the book a demo link below to talk to one of our dedicated sales specialists.👇👇👇

    Button to book a demo link

    For more information, check out www.klyck.io/resources 


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